Reminder – Disposing of Un-Wanted Items

The garbage bins are for normal household waste ONLY.

The following items must be taken to a transfer station and not left in or near the garbage bins:
Metal of any kind
Drywall and building materials
Yard and garden waste, including plastic pails and flower pots
Paint, oil, and hazardous liquids
Power tools
Furniture, including chairs and tables
Appliances, including BBQ’s
Plastic chairs and tables
Garden hoses
Foam filled cushions
Refundable containers
Propane canisters
Bicycles, toys, cloths

Do the right thing: take them out of the park and dispose of them responsibly at a transfer station or recycling
depot. Doing anything else costs all of us as GFL fines us when they find items that should not be in the

The nearest transfer station to SLSR is in Parksville at 860 Church Road, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, open most
days (google Church Road Transfer Station for more information).

With a little effort, we can keep ‘Our Springs’ and VI beautiful.

Spider Lake Springs Newsletters

We will be emailing owners a newsletter each month from April to September with information regarding the park. Newsletter ideas can be emailed to the Board of Directors Secretary at

SLSR September 2024 Newsletter

SLSR August 2024 Newsletter

SLSR July 2024 Newsletter

SLSR June 2024 Newsletter

SLSCA May 2024 Newsletter

SLSCA April 2024 Newsletter

2024 Maintenance Fee and Hydro Invoices

The 2024 Maintenance Fee and Hydro Invoices were mailed out January 10, 2024.

Due to the rising cost of everything the Board had to increase the Annual Maintenance Fee by $175.00 to $1,525.00 for the year. Hydro rates charged remained the same and will also be included on the invoice.

These invoices are due by April 30, 2024, however, cash flow is required to pay the ongoing expenses in the park. Please pay as soon as you can. If you Etransfer, please remember to include your name and site number and ensure that you send to the EXACT address as on the invoice –  [email protected] You will then get a notice that funds will be AutoDeposited to Spider Lake Springs. Cheques may be mailed or dropped off at the park office.