Social Committee

Hello Spider Lake Springs Resort Family! I’m excited to kick off another fantastic camping season as your Social Director. This year promises to be filled with fun events, activities, and community connections. Be sure to watch for event posters around the park.

I’m seeking volunteers to help make our camping season a success and make a difference in our campground community. Whether you have a few hours or a whole day, we welcome your enthusiasm and skills.

As a volunteer, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Assist with event planning and execution
  • Lead or co-lead activities, such as arts and crafts, outdoor games, or fitness classes
  • Help with setup and cleanup for events
  • Participate in community-building initiatives

No experience necessary! We’re looking for enthusiastic individuals who want to contribute to our vibrant community. If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact me at [email protected]

Let’s work together to create an amazing summer for our Spider Lake Springs community!”

Cheryl Johnson