A Member Owned Recreational Park
The rules and regulations that exist in our resort are for the safety and enjoyment of everyone within our park.
The regulations as they exist, whilst not perfect, are designed to promote inclusivity whilst maintaining safety for all.
Section 8 Resort Safety specifically prohibits the use of paddle boats and paddleboards from Angel Pond regardless of the material used in their construction.
the rule states” 8.03 Hard-bottom boats including canoes, paddle boats, paddleboards, kayaks and the like are not allowed on Angel Pond. Staff may use a hard-bottom boat for maintenance.
In this case the use of the word “INCLUDING” signifies what in legal terms are a broadening of the term to include other specific elements.
Below is a definition from the Canadian government’s Justice department on the very topic of the use of the word includes/including.
Extending definition- https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/csj-sjc/legis-redact/legistics/p1p5.html
An extending definition adds to the ordinary meaning of a term a meaning it does not normally have. These definitions usually begin with the word “includes”. This type of definition may be used to broaden the meaning of a term, expressly including elements that would otherwise not normally be included.
Therefore, in the case of Section 8.03 where it states “including canoes, paddle boats, paddleboards, kayaks and the like are not allowed on Angel Pond” this means that these particular types of water craft are NOT ALLOWED to be used in any capacity on or in Angel Pond in addition to not allowing the use of hard bottom boats regardless of whether they are hard shelled or inflatable. They are banned, period.
These craft that are forbidden in Angel Pond are allowed to be used in Evelyn’s Pond by the Store.
I refer everyone’s attention to our rules and regulations with a particular emphasis on the following paragraph;
Section 11 Complains and Enforcement of Regulations 11.01 The Park Manager has the authority and responsibility to interrupt and enforce the intent of the SLSCA Rules and Regulations. Campers must comply with the Park Manager’s request when asked to do so. The Park Manager or Board of Directors may issue verbal warnings followed by a written infraction notice from the Board of Directors for acute/serious rules and regulation infractions.
Anyone found to be using any of these types of craft in Angel Pond will be held accountable under Section 11 of the Spider Lake Springs Campers Association rules and regulations last updated in April 2024.
Please be respectful to our park staff, board members and other campers.
Thank you.
Kevin Baker, President, Spider Lake Springs Campers Association
Volunteers Needed – Bottle Recycling at Spider Lake Springs Resort
The burn/branch pile/ground rakings will be open with notice from 10:00am to 2:00pm daily. You must contact staff members at 250-240-7818. They will do their best to be available to assist you.
Anyone caught dumping inappropriate materials outside of published hours may be subject to disciplinary action as defined in the Spider Lake Springs Campers Association Rules and Regulations.