Next Board of Directors Meeting

The next Board of Directors meeting will be June 16, 2024, 10:00am, in the park. (May is the AGM Meeting)

Spider Lake Springs Campers Association Board of Directors Meetings:

The SLS Campers Association Board of Directors meetings are held the third Sunday of each month (except for December) at 10:00am in the park. All owners are welcome to attend or send questions to [email protected]. Minutes are posted to our website.

Parking Permits

Owner and guest parking permits were discussed at the February, March and April Board meetings to address security and safety issues in the park.

  • Vehicles will display an owner or guest permit when parked outside a camp site.
  • Owners will have window decals.
  • Guests will have passes that hang from the vehicle mirror.
  • Owners are entitled to a maximum of four window stickers (with proof of owner numbers on the share certificate) and two guest passes at no cost.
  • Replacement owner decals and extra guest permit can be purchased at a cost of $10.00 each.

An email will be sent to owners when the permits are available for pickup.

Security Team – Volunteers Needed

Why do we need security in the park on long weekends?

Increased vandalism at Spider Lake Springs Resort is adding substantial repair costs to the yearly maintenance fees of all owners.

Outside security has been hired for long weekends in the past. The cost was $9,000.00 and did not provide the outcomes hoped for.

As owners’ families and guests continue to grow, providing security with our current staff is just not enough.

A number of site owners have requested the opportunity to have volunteer security teams.
Volunteer Security teams would provide additional eyes and ears at the resort, with staff members available for assistance.

Duties would be as follows;
• Volunteers to wear t-shirts indicating SLSR security.
• Walking or driving a cart (pending availability) to show presence and report findings to the Park Manager or staff.
• Situations would be immediately reported to park staff for assessment.
• The Park Manager will have a meeting with volunteers to discuss how to address vandalism.
• Shifts will be 2 hours per volunteer and a staff member will always be available to call and check in with.

It’s unfortunate that it has come to the point where we need to increase security or even need it at all.

If you have any questions, suggestions or are interested in volunteering for security teams please contact me at [email protected].

In advance, thank you for supporting the safety and integrity of our park.

Brian Lamb
Park Manager
Spider Lake Springs Resort